Keeping Your Dog Healthy This Winter

Keeping Your Dog Healthy This Winter

As the winter chill settles in, ensuring your furry friend's well-being becomes a top priority. It's essential to adapt your dog care routine to keep your pet healthy and safe during the colder months. From protecting its paws to adjusting its diet, here are detailed tips to ensure your dog's health and happiness during winter.

Create a Warm and Cozy Retreat
Creating a warm and cozy retreat for your dog during winter is crucial for its physical health, mental well-being, and overall comfort. It can help regulate body temperature, prevent potential health issues, encourage restful sleep, and contribute to a positive and stress-free living environment for your furry friend.
Below are the essentials for providing your pet with a warm and cozy retreat:
  • Provide your dog with a snug and draft-free space to relax.
  • Elevate its bed to protect it from cold floors.
  • Consider placing extra blankets or a heated pad to provide additional warmth.
  • If your dog spends extended periods outdoors, invest in a well-insulated doghouse with proper bedding.
Protect Their Paws
The winter terrain can be harsh on your dog's sensitive paw pads. Consider using dog booties to shield their paws from cold surfaces, ice, and salt. If booties are not an option, regularly inspect and cleanse its paws after walks. Applying a pet-safe paw balm can also help prevent dryness and cracking, so your dog's paws stay healthy.

Monitor Outdoor Activities
While exercise is important, be mindful of extreme weather conditions. Short-coated or small breeds may require extra protection, such as a doggy coat or sweater. You should limit outdoor activities during severe cold spells and observe your dog for signs of discomfort. If they exhibit shivering or signs of frostbite, it's time to head indoors!

Implement a Regular Grooming Routine
Maintaining your dog's coat is vital for insulation against the cold. Regular brushing helps distribute natural oils, preventing dryness and matting. However, be cautious about over-bathing, as it can strip the sebum from your furry friends. Consider a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to combat winter dryness and consult your groomer or vet for specific coat care recommendations.

Beware of Winter Hazards
Antifreeze, commonly used in winter, is highly toxic to dogs. Keep it out of reach, and promptly clean any spills. Consider using pet-safe alternatives. Additionally, be cautious of frozen bodies of water, as they may not be safe for your dog to walk on.

Prioritize Veterinary Care
Regular vet check-ups are crucial during winter. Cold weather can exacerbate certain health conditions, making preventative care even more important. Stay up to date on vaccinations, discuss potential winter-related health concerns with your vet, and address any behavioral changes promptly.

Tailor Diet to the Season

Higher Caloric Needs  
Winter demands more energy to stay warm, especially for pets spending extensive time outdoors. In these cases, it can be necessary to adjust your dog's diet accordingly. Consult with your veterinarian or a Farmina Nutrition Consultant to determine if a variation in calorie intake might be necessary. A well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet also helps support its immune system during the colder months!

Potential for Weight Gain
In contrast, we should also be mindful and prevent excessive weight gain during the winter months. In winter, dogs may be less active due to the colder temperatures and shorter days. If their caloric intake remains high without a corresponding increase in physical activity, they may be at risk of gaining excess weight. Obesity in dogs can lead to various health issues, including joint problems, diabetes, and a decreased overall quality of life.
Have Questions? Consult a Farmina Nutrition Consultant to get a personalized nutrition plan!

Be the best dog parent you can be this Winter by following our suggestions above, being proactive and providing your pup with everything it needs! Remember, every dog is unique, so tailor these tips to meet the specific needs of your furry friend.