Dynamic and personalized nutrition for your pet


傳統的餵食方法是閱讀包裝背面的餵養指南,並假定上面所標示您寵物的體重範圍的餵食量足以滿足他們的日常需求。其實這是不正確的!例如,兩隻體重、品種、年齡相同但生活方式不同的狗會有不同的營養需求。這就是為什麼 Farmina Genius 與那不勒斯(義大利)的費德里科二世大學合作開發了一種工具,該工具可以根據一系列變量計算您寵物的每日熱量需求,其中一些變量可能會在其一生中發生變化。該工具的輸出是量身定制的動態營養計劃,這是管理寵物健康的主要支柱之一。
由於變量太多,該工具需要您的幫助!您提供的信息和數據愈多,計算就愈準確。這就是為什麼您的 Genius 顧問必須透過 Farmina Genius App 隨時為您提供必要的支持。

Tip From the Farmina Genius
To ensure the best possible results for your pet, remember that each life stage may require a recalibration in their caloric intake. Don’t forget to adjust the dynamic nutrition plan ì periodically with your Farmina Genius Consultant.
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Nutritional Characteristics of Puppies and Kittens
During the initial growth phase, both puppies and kittens require a large amount of energy that is greater compared to the needs of adult dogs and cats.
Puppies – The energy demand, which is known as the calories required per kilogram,  is 2.5 times higher in puppies up to 6 months of age. For puppies from 6 to 12 months of age, the required energy increment is around 1.4 to 1.75 times compared to an adult.
Kittens – The energy demand can range from a 50% higher in kittens from 9 to 12 months and up to 150% higher in kittens up to 4 months of age compared to adults. To put things into perspective when comparing kittens with adult cats, kittens will need twice the calories in their food compared to an adult (depending on their weight).

Nutrition of adult dogs and cats
Adult Dogs – In adulthood, properly calculated caloric requirements must also take into account their daily physical activity. Dogs that perform little to no exercise require approximately 10-25% fewer calories when compared to a very active adult.
Nutritional needs are also greater if your dog is either pregnant or lactating, a period when Pet Parents should leave the food at the disposal for the female, who will self-adjust the amount of consumption according to her specific needs.
Adult cats – When your cat has transitioned into adulthood, it is important to look at the amount of food they are consuming. Unneutered cats and especially those who have access to the outdoors need to intake more (proteins and fats) compared to neutered and/or sedentary cats. That’s why it’s so important to choose the right food for each stage.
For pregnant and lactating cats, food consumption should be left up to the cat’s discretion. She will automatically regulate her daily needs in order to provide for herself and her offspring.

Nutrition of neutered dogs and cats 
Neutered dogs – They are constantly fighting against weight gain since their nutritional requirements become lower once they are neutered. To avoid rapid weight gain, diets with more fiber should be introduced. This will decrease the food’s energy density with a higher sense of satiety.
Neutered cats – They have lower energy needs due to a scarcity of reproductive-related behaviors which naturally decrease the feline’s physical activity, and the hormonal changes brought by neutering also reduce the animal’s metabolic rate. So it is necessary to offer less calorific food. In such situations, the control of the food amount should be strict, because the chances of the cat becoming overweight are much higher.

Nutrition of senior dogs and cats
Senior Dogs – A dog’s senior phase begins at around the age of 10 for small and medium dogs, while for large dogs it starts at around 8 years old because of their lower life expectancy. Some older dogs tend to become more selective when it comes to their food, therefore the ideal food must always include the correct macronutrients. In contrast, some dogs are subject to weight gain due to a lack of physical activity and a slower metabolism.
Senior Cats – Similarly to dogs, senior cats tend to significantly reduce the amount of physical activity, spending more hours sleeping as opposed to exercising. This reduction in calories burned calls for a diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in proteins.

Monitor and adjust your pet’s dynamic nutrition plan
As you may have understood in the previous paragraph, each pet and life stage has its own peculiarities which require specific foods, quantities, and variables that need to be taken into consideration.
Want to create a dynamic nutrition plan but don’t know where to begin? The Farmina Genius has you covered! Begin by downloading the Farmina Genius App for FREE and enroll your pet in the Pet Care Program. Together with your Farmina Genius Pet Health Coach, you will be able to design a dynamic course of action for your pet, complete with the ideal food, feeding amounts, and other useful tips regardless of its life stage and current conditions. Your Veterinarian will then cover all aspects related to its wellness.