Scientific studies supporting the rationale behind our formulas
1. Ortonne, J. P., & Prota, G. (1993). Hair melanins and hair color: Ultrastructural and biochemical aspects. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 101(1 Suppl), 82S-89S.
2. Busch-Kschiewan, K., Zentek, J., Wortmann, F. J., & Biourge, V. (2004). UV light, temperature, and humidity effects on white hair color in dogs. Journal of Nutrition, 134(8 Suppl), 2053S-2055S.
3. Watson, A., Wayman, J., Kelley, R., Feugier, A., & Biourge, V. (2018). Increased dietary intake of tyrosine upregulates melanin deposition in the hair of adult black-coated dogs. Animal Nutrition, 4(4), 422-428.
4. Anderson, P. J., Rogers, Q. R., & Morris, J. G. (2002). Cats require more dietary phenylalanine or tyrosine for melanin deposition in hair than for maximal growth. Journal of Nutrition, 132(7), 2037-2042.
5. Yu, S., Rogers, Q. R., & Morris, J. G. (2001). Effect of low levels of dietary tyrosine on the hair colour of cats. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 42(4), 176-180.
6. Slominski, A. (1989). L-tyrosine induces synthesis of melanogenesis related proteins. Life Sciences, 45(19), 1799-1803.
7. Watson, A., Servet, E., Hervera, M., & Biourge, V.(2015). Tyrosine supplementation and hair coat pigmentation in puppies with black coats – A pilot study. Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition, 3.
8. Morris, J. G., Yu, S., & Rogers, Q. R. (2002). Red hair in black cats is reversed by addition of tyrosine to the diet. Journal of Nutrition, 132(6 Suppl 2), 1646S-1648S.
9. Watson, A., et al. (2017). Nutritional components can influence hair coat colouration in white dogs. Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition, 5, e5.