Personalized nutritional plan

Every pet has specific needs depending on the life stage and other characteristics. It is therefore necessary to give your pet a personalized diet that takes into account all the possible variables and its specific needs.
Want to create a dynamic nutrition plan but don't know where to begin?
The Genius has you covered!


Pet Care Program

A personalized approach for monitoring your pet's health created by a team of expert veterinarians and animal nutritionists.
This innovative program, designed to contribute towards your pet's long-term health, is developed around 5 Key indicators. Your Genius Pet Health Coach and local Vet will guide you every step of the way!
Discover each of the 5 Key Indicators below.


Why do dogs roll on grass?

Why do dogs roll on grass?

In this article, we explore why dogs roll on grass, from instinctual behavior to pure enjoyment, and when to be concerned about potential health issues like ear infections or allergies.

Traveling together with your puppy

Traveling together with your puppy

Travel together with your puppy by getting it used to being in the pet carrier during car rides with tips from the FarminaGenius.

How to teach the kitten to travel

How to teach the kitten to travel

Want to travel with your kitten? Here is some advice for Pet Parents looking to take their cat on a roadtrip or a short drive.
